Valeria de Monteil
Background story for Valeria de Monteil. A character from the Witcher Role playing game I am running.
April 2024
This post is available in: english, français.

AI generated portrait of Valeria de Monteil
What an evening! The Count really outdid himself this time, his mansion is splendid, the feast was divine, and without boasting, my performance tonight was excellent. Ah, I love balls! There’s always something interesting happening. Secret lovers seizing the opportunity to share a dance, commercial agreements signed over the finest Kovir wine… Relationships, politics, drama, it’s truly my realm. For a while, I socialized with the queen of these parties, a sorceress who always made these events more entertaining: Valeria de Monteil.
Yes, yes, she was indeed a “de Monteil”, that old family is now much less wealthy than before. They made some questionnable business choices, and as a result, they had to go heavily into debt to keep their ancestral manor. Valeria was at Aretuza at that time, cloistered in the most prestigious magic school on the continent, and under the strictest rules… It’s just my opinion, but I think it’s all those constraints that make these sorceresses more eccentric and outgoing once they’re out. They’re making up for lost time in a way. When Valeria returned home, she helped her parents repay some of their debts by becoming an advisor to a Duke of Rivia. She is their pride. Her elder sister, Amara, adores her as well, but the same can’t be said for the youngest of the three, Cecilia, who’s as jealous as I’ve ever seen.
Valeria fell for a Temerian Knight, Urian Dragonheart, and they were the subject of many discussions at events like this one, you can imagine. A knight and a mage, it always gets people talking, you never know where such relationships might lead!
But some surprising events have recently occurred. Urian has disappeared, and no one knows where to find him. At the same time, Valeria found herself in the house of the mother of one of her old friends from her time in Rivia, Sebastian Flavier, unable to remember what happened in the past year. Completely amnesic.
Ah, and it might be interesting to mention that Sebastian fell victim to a dangerous curse some time ago… His shadow came to life and has its own free will. It escaped and reappears regularly to try to kill him.
I told you she was fascinating! I’m just eagerly waiting to cross paths with her again to hear her latest tales. I have almost enough material to write a three-act play!