Krayorn's Blog
My implementation for the codingame puzzle: ASCII Art The Drunken Bishop Algorithm in golang
Codingame puzzle walkthough: Number of Digits
September 2024My implementation for the codingame puzzle: Number of Digits in golang
My implementation for the codingame puzzle: Equivalent Resistance, Circuit Building in golang
Codingame puzzle walkthough: Turn here
September 2024My implementation for the codingame puzzle: Turn here in golang
Codingame puzzle walkthough: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
September 2024My implementation for the codingame puzzle: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz in golang
Codingame puzzle walkthough: Logic gates
September 2024My implementation for the codingame puzzle: Logic gates in golang
Codingame puzzle walkthough: Moves in a maze
September 2024My implementation for the codingame puzzle: Moves in a maze in golang
How I built my extension that helps you keep your social feeds clean
An HTTP Server in Go From scratch
August 2024Follow along while I write an HTTPServer in Go From scratch following a codecrafters challenge.
How to build a simple site using Astro && Cloudflare
May 2024Background story for Kordgrimm. A character from the Witcher Role playing game I am running.
Valeria de Monteil
April 2024Background story for Valeria de Monteil. A character from the Witcher Role playing game I am running.
Leaf Theven
April 2024Background story for Leaf Theven. A character from the Witcher Role playing game I am running.
The excercises suggested by Andrej Karpathy in his serie from Zero to Hero, introduction to neural networks: Building Makemore
Kal Marr
March 2024Background story for Kal Marr. A character from the Witcher Role playing game I am running.
Board game 2023 review
February 2024Some fun stats about the games I have played in 2023.
Ideas for my or other board game apps
January 2024Collection of ideas linked to board games I wish to see exist someday.
Stone cold night in Dark Rain City
January 2024Fictional writing relating an adventure played during a one shot game of Savage Worlds.
Writing in a world of LLM
December 2023competing against the machine
Why a blog
November 2023motivations and next steps